Tuesday 11 October 2011

About Sikh Prayer

The Sikh conception God is personal. He moves in him like a fish in water, and lives with him as a woman by her husband. He is in constant communion with Him through prayer. Therefore prayer is much used in Sikhism. The magazine consists primarily of prayers. No ceremony, whether religious or secular, without prayer. No, contain most of the ceremonies and rituals, nothing else. Before going on a trip, or the opening of a shop or occupy a new house, open the Sikh Holy Scripture, asking God's blessing. Often, when time and resources allow, he also organized for the singing of hymns from Thanks-Giving. But he will never omit a short prayer, even the poorest can afford. No priest is required to address it. Everyone, man or woman can lead in prayer, young or old. Even a boy or a girl can learn conducting seen in the morning or evening service and leads a large congregation in prayer, consisting of the most advanced and in old age. This aim is supported so that everyone can learn his responsibilities without the help of a priestly class shoulder. The prayer varies in size and content. Sometimes only a few words will do. A man starts on horseback with one foot in the stirrup, can talk back to: Or a few lines of Scripture can be quoted by saving grace before or after meals, "O Lord help The plume of Humble Servant.".
Like a piece of composition, it is one of the curiosities of literature. It is not the work of one man or any one time. The whole Sikh nation has been at work on it for centuries. The custom of prayers must have begun with the rise of Sikhism, but is limited by the time of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth successor of Guru Nanak Dev, when places of worship had been organized and a certain book of faith had been installed in them, it was an established rule with the goal of prayer in churches. According to the Dubistan-I Mazaheb if someone wanted a gift from heaven, he would come such a gathering of Sikhs and ask them to pray for him. Familiar expressions of prayer began to accumulate until the time of Guru Gobind Singh is a certain form, it was given. As it stands now will be divided into three parts:
Six verses of Guru Gobind Singh invocation of God and the first nine Gurus.

Of the line 7-25 rhythmic prose, by generations of Sikhs together, as the events of their history came when leaving their impressions on their minds. The community itself now not waived its right to the shape of this part of the prayer in any suitable conditions, it still difficulties and concerns of the Panth can relate eg abdicated .......... In connection with the wearing of kirpan and the reforming of Gurdwaras.
The prayers right composition depends not only on a few words here and there all over the man who prays.

The first seven rows and the last two lines can in no case be altered or omitted in all the other changes we can shorten lines omit, add or anything to be with them. Although everyone is required to be able to lead in prayer, everyone can not be expected to be original and to communicate effectively in a meeting in a right way and get moving expression. Therefore, it is envisaged that the man should begin with prayer and recitation of a more and more free as he proceeds. After the composition of the Guru and the church he has a chance, his free hand in expressing his thoughts or suspected breast performances by the whole community to try it is so helpful, so informative. Prayer is common not only in the composition of its language but also in the nature of their cause. The Sikhs, and they offer, it becomes clear that he is a part of the body, called the Khalsa Panth or whose past and present with all its sacrifices, successes and needs telling fame. To understand why so much of the prayer is taken with historical details, we have the significance of the Sikh prayer. The pundits were very careful in the placement of their teaching. They did not hold lectures or write books and make them understood by her Sikh. They took as much care in the preparation of students as the learning experience you wanted to see what it was, was able, digested and assimilated by him. Therefore, the teaching was in the student's own dialect, and in the form of a song or discourse was given. In addition, it was not delivered at once in a lifetime. The Guru took in hand the training of a nation and each of them at one time as much as necessary lessons were passed on to the next guru, when a generation of work was complete. In this way the entire course of training extended over ten generations.

In other respects also the guru to take care that their doctrine was no effect on the disciples lost. The various morning and evening services were fixed according to the mood or atmosphere of the time. Japji the philosophical (or the meditation of Guru Nanak) should be read in the morning and the kirtan Sohila that breathes the spirit of peace and resignation, is fixed to the bed of the time. If we consider the nature of the compositions, we find that the difference is only suited to the difference between our inner mood of the morning and the evening is. The passions which are the ruling in the evening in the morning you leave the field for the contemplative part of the soul. The mind has been calmed by the quiet sleep and is closer to the sky. It is fresh and clear, and can live to discuss the difficult problems of human life in the Japji. Our whole being irritated and lined up by the nervous excitement of the day, reached in the night time and highlight its human vitality, and how we in the bed, preparing to sit for the sleep, we can no longer withstand the rigors of hard thinking. Therefore, a short musical piece is all that is recited before we abandon ourselves to have to sleep. The thoughts contained in the poem, more easily made by woven in the form of imaginative figures. Our imagination is precisely in this period very active, so that the abstract ideas to us clothed in images are shown. See how the idea is made difficult by the unity of God in the midst of the diversity of its manifestations are evident by comparing the unity of the sun, despite the timing and the season. Look at the figure of pride in the door of her husband, while oil is poured into it by the friends of the family. It is really the soul of the human longing for God, after a waiting time of day and night to meet to receive a call from him. Again, is common as well the diversity of God's presence in the face of nature in the form of stars and planets move, the change of God can perform an arti. We have given instances enough to show what paints the gurus have taken to correspond to their teaching to the mood of the student's mind.
    In the case of prayer, the same care is taken. The Sikh has to bring in a prayerful mood before he turned to his God when we pray, in fact. We stand face to face with God. But before we enter into the innermost tabernacle of God and achieve that perfection, we have much to traverse on the ground of moral struggle and spiritual preparation. We must recognize what is communion with God has prepared for those who have loved him led. What sufferings and sacrifices that go through them in order to be able to see His face had. We need to look at the sweet faith of those Immortals refresh and strengthen our spirit with strength and resignation to their patients. Prayer is not just a physiological unity with God, an undisturbed sleep in it. It means an active longing of the soul one with God, the ever-active and patient, is always to feel hopeful. The prayer should therefore update our minds and make us ready to do God's will. This can happen when we first we commune with the God revealed in his story, and exalted the organic growth of Divinity look at humanity. To do this we need to feel a part of this community of God-like beings, represent the best in people. We should be in steep association of those in whose company we feel in the presence of God.
    The Sikh prayer was composed by this point of view it begins with an invocation of God and then called in the sole are different ranking. The highest ideal of the Sikh religion by Guru Nanak and was realized in his nine successors. Therefore, they are mentioned alongside. Then went the five beloved, invested for their victims with collective Guruship by the last Guru, then the Guru's sons, who were met brave martyrdom and when young, was the brave tradition of their ancestors, and then other great men and women, arms and practiced charity and in the face of unspeakable suffering kept their faith unsullied. The part of the prayer is the work of the whole community, past and present and is the main strong in style and language. How many hearts in these long centuries of peace of mind in distress, and defied into trouble. It bears the stamp of all, what is the best and most moving in Sikhism. It is the crystallization of the Sikh nation's history. It is the living monument of its size, the generation of Sikhs, is repeating itself alive to keep the old fire in their midst.
    After bringing before their vision of the great deeds of their ancestors, they think of their present conditions their Gurdwaras, their associations, their choirs moving nightly round the Golden Gurdwara their banners, their houses, which remind them of their past glory and call upon blessings them. Then begins the right. Here you are all free to express themselves. In the penultimate line of the Sikh prays for the advancement of God among men, but this missionary work is to express, with due consideration of the other the rights and feelings are carried out on the next line that he prays for the good of every body without distinction of caste or religion. This prayer comes from the days of the conflict with the Moslems, in which the Sikhs suffered martyrdom, which are listed therein. Nowhere is a sign of bitterness or revenge shown, there is no reproach to curse at the enemy, suffering only one listed, taken as the victims of the community for knowledge.


Ode to the daily by the Tenth King:
When he first think of God the Almighty, the Guru Nanak.
Then Angad Guru and Amar Das and Ram It can help us.
Remember Guru Arjan, Guru Har Gobind and the holy Guru Har Rai.
Let the Holy Har Krishan whose sight dispels all worries to think about.
Let us come to Tegh Bahadur and the nine treasures, will speed up our homes.
May they all assist us everywhere.
May the tenth king of the holy Guru Gobind Singh LORD of hosts and protectors of the faith to support us everywhere:
Turn your thoughts. O, Khalsa to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, and call upon God. (Wonderful Lord!)
The five mistresses and masters courses four sons, the forty survivors and other righteous steadfast and patient souls: think of their deeds, and call upon God. (Wonderful Lord!)
The men and women who keep the name in their hearts, shared their profits with others, who piled up the sword and Charity, which saw the errors of others, but overlooked them: think of their deeds and call on God. (Wonderful Lord!)
Had those who were on their religion to cut off limb by limb, scraped from the scalp, were broken on the wheel, were sawn the flayed alive: think of their sweet resignation call of God. (Wonderful Lord!)
Those who have the Gurdwaras longtime evil to purge left to be fought recklessly or imprisoned shot to be cut or burnt alive with kerosene, but did not resist or utter even a sigh or complaint: their patients think faith and call on God . (Wonderful Lord!)
Think about all the different sacred Gurdwaras, thrones of religious authority and at other locations by the touch of Guru's feet and call upon God. (Wonderful Lord!)
Now the whole Khalsa offers his prayer.
Let the whole Khalsa, to get his opinion of the wonderful name of the Lord.
And when he thinks of him, can be completely blessed.
May God's protection and to extend mercy to all bodies of the Khalsa, wherever they are.
May the Lord of glory fulfilled and enforce its liberation.
May victory of our love and our arms.
May God help us the sword.
May the Khalsa always triumph.
May the Sikh choirs, banners, mansions keep forever and ever.
The realm of justice come.
May the Sikhs be united in love.
May the hearts of the Sikhs be humble, but their wisdom exalted - their wisdom in the care of Mr. O Khalsa. Say the Lord's wonderful. (Wonderful Lord!)
O true King! O loved father! In this ambrosial hours of the morning we were singing. Thy sweet songs you hear life-giving word and you will find many blessings these things discoursed with May a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls to you.
Save us, O Father, from lust, anger, greed, excessive pride and attachment, and keep us attached to your feet.
Grant them the gift of Sikhism Sikhs. The gift of your name, the gift of faith, the gift of trust in you, and the gift of reading and understanding your Holy Word.
O kind Father, loving Father through. The grace we have spent the night in peace and happiness: May your grace, to extend our work of the day, so that we, according to your will to do what is right.
Give us light, give us understanding so that we know what you like.
We offer this prayer in the presence, O wonderful Lord.
Forgive our sins. Help us keep us pure.
Bring us into the community, only those men of love. In whose company we can remember to call them.
Through Nanak may Thy name forever to be on the rise.
And may all people thrive by grace.
The Khalsa belongs to the wonderful gentleman who always wins.